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  • Writer's picturecong nguyen

Germany is calling and I must go shirt

As mentioned by others here Germany is a country of people who rent. In comparison with other Germany is calling and I must go shirt European countries, Germany does very badly because half of the country doesn’t even own property. In a situation like this having children is out of the question for most of those in the younger generation too because there are existential issues that naturally come first. Salaries for young people are horrible. In comparison to the baby boomers, Millenials are being offered far worse wages (more so if you account for price increases in terms of rent, food costs, transport, etc.). Many people pretend that Germany would have a shortage of skilled workers when in fact many young people apply for jobs after their studies and companies stubbornly refuse them out of a “lack of work experience” which is a strange mantra which for some reason is only applied in order to disadvantage Germans but not foreigners.

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